Main Gallery

20.08. – 18.09.2005


The painter Carl Fredrik Hill went crazy in Paris 1878.

He was a respected artist with a great ambition to win the Grand Prix at the Paris Saloon. Having been dismissed four years in a row, the void between ambition and reality possibly triggered the development of a paranoid schizofrenic psycosis.

His last works, obscene in motif and painted entirely in prussian blue and cadmium yellow, were destroyed by his collegues in order to preserve his reputation as a ”respectable landscapepainter.”  According to himself, works like these had never been made before.

After a transfer to his parents home in Lund in southern Sweden he created an amazing ouvre of drawings on four sheets of paper that he was given every day.

He never painted again and never went far from home.


Hills and drawings is my tribute to Carl Fredrik Hill.

It contains paintings made in prussian blue and cadmium yellow alongside drawings of my everyday life.





2001-2004  Reykjavik Academy of the Arts, Bachelordegree in Visual arts

1996-2005  Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Bachelordegree in Architecture

1999-2001  Konstskolan Idun Lovén, sculpture dept.



2004        Wolfgang Müller – The Golden Cut

2004        Björn Roth- Seydisfjördur workshop

2004        Roni Horn – formulating a critical vocabulary

2003        Who´s the Storyteller? Royal collage of art,  Stockholm

2001        Cultural Studies 3 Malmö Art Academy.



2005        Hills and drawings, Skaftfell Menningarmidstöd, Seydisfjördur.

2004        Inner Station, KlinKogBank, Reykjavik.

The Pine Tree Workshop, Torstrasse 111, Berlin.

2002        Wasteland, Galleri Nema Hvad, Reykjavik.

Writing an Essay on surrealism while waiting for the snow. LHI, Reykjavik.

2001        Whiteboy, Galleri Scraatchi, Malmö Art Academy.



2005        Augnablik frá Reykjavik, Brick 5, Wien

Grasrótin, Living art museum, Reykjavik

Purgatory, Living art museum, Reykjavik

Signal in the heavens, Gallery Boreas, New York.

2004        Nordur og nidur, Nordens Hus, Reykjavik.

Dieter Roth Academy, Lübeck

Frumskog, KlinKogBank, Reykjavik.

Cuts from Reykjavik, Friseur Beige, Berlin.

LHI Examensutställning, Listasafn Reykjavikur.

Rjómskip, Skaftfell Kulturcenter, Seydisfjördur.

Signal in the heavens, Torstrasse 111, Berlin.

2003        UdK Rundgang, Berlin.

2002        Mengerzeile Haus Salon, Berlin.

2001        SIE på Laugarvegur, Reykjavik.

Galleri Kretsen, Södertälje.



2005  Sleipnir travelgrant

2000        MEM´s scholarship for draughtsmen, Sveriges Arkitekter (SA)

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