
Welcome to the opening Tuesday 16.12.2014 at 5-7pm.
Concert by Jukka Hautam?ki starts at 6pm.

Sightseeing Tour – outdoor performance by Minna P?ll?nen
Thursday the 18th at 6pm. Duration 30 minutes, in English.

Open daily December 17 – 19, 2014, from 12-15


Media artist Jukka Hautam?ki (b. 1971), born in Oulu, lives and works in Helsinki, Finland. Hautam?ki works with found materials, electronics, sound, light and video.

In the Bookshop-Projectspace Hautam?ki is presenting setup of new diy sound devices built during his residency in Skaftfell – Center for Visual Art. He will be performing live at the opening event.

Hautam?ki’s sound performances are microscopic studies into electronic sound. Live setup consists of DIY sound devices, which he manipulates in real time by changing components and reconnecting circuits. Relationship between performativity and sound plays a significant role in the live performances. The electronics and wires used in the live setup have also aesthetical and conceptual values. Music style could be described as abstract ambient noise with a twist.

Hautam?ki has performed live in Europe and North America. Performance venues include La-bas Biennale and AAVE festival in Helsinki, Ges21 in St. Petersburg, Mengi in Reykjavik, Avatar Centre in Quebec City and Madame Claude in Berlin and he has kept interactive sound art and electronics workshops in Finland (Kokomys, MUU, Aalto University), Germany, Poland and Estonia. For more information please see: jukkahautamaki.com

Minna P?ll?nen (b.1980) is a Finnish visual artist living and working in London. P?ll?nen works with photography, sculpture and performative works. Through her practice she explores themes and codes of behaviour related to landscape, politics of (public-) space, and site-specificity. Her sculptural works are often made out of scrap wood, plumbing parts and other readily available construction materials, and the role of labour, rather than craft, is emphasized in the process of making.

In the Bookshop-Projectspace? P?ll?nen will show photographic and sculptural sketches related to a new body of work she is currently developing.

She is also organising a Sightseeing Tour-performance during the exhibition. Acting as the tour guide, P?ll?nen will take people for a 30-minute walk around the town of Sey?isfj?r?ur. Through the town’s architecture and landmarks, P?ll?nen will introduce the participants to Sey?isfj?r?ur’s twin city Vantaa, located in Southern Finland.

P?ll?nen’s recent solo exhibitions include: Gallery Huuto, Helsinki (2014), Suomesta-Gallery, Berlin (2014), Photographic Centre Peri, Turku (2014) and Galerie Les Territoires, Montreal (2012). She has appeared in many group exhibitions including: Kilometre of Sculpture, Rakvere (2014), Shonibare Guest Projects, London (2014), M?ntt? Art Festival, M?ntt? (2013), FFWE at The Photographers Gallery in London (2012). For more information please see: www.minnapollanen.com