

The Narrative Collection 2011-2012

On Saturday, May 12 at 16:00, the Collection Center reopens in Skaftfell´s main gallery. New narratives will be presented, alongside the whole collection, thereof 25 with English subtitles. Relay – the word passed on presents Skaftfell from Icelandic Art Center…

Call for applications

Skaftfell Residency Program hereby calls for applications for a Residency stay with a grant courtesy of KulturKontaktNord. Nordic and Baltic artists are eligible to apply for a 2 month residency with full grant between November 2012 – January 2013. The…

SYLT/S?LD: laugardaginn 28. apr?l kl.17

Laugardaginn 28. apr?l mun ?tisk?lpt?rinn Sylt / S?LD – eyja ? eyju eftir listah?pinn GV ver?a afhj?pa?ur. Verki? var ?r?a? og unni?? ? me?an a? fj?gurra vikna b?setu h?psins st?? ? gestavinnustofu Skaftfells. Form verksins v?sar ? eyjuna Sylt, sem…

Open H?ll

Saturday the 21st of April at 16:00-18:00 Open House at H?ll, Vesturvegur 15,? where Judy-ann Moule has been in residence for March and April. Judy-ann is a visual artist from Brisbane, Australia. She is currently completing a Master of Arts…

Opin vinnustofa – H?ll

Laugardaginn 21. apr?l kl. 16-18. ?stralska listakonan Judy-ann Moule hefur veri? gestalistama?ur Skaftfells ? mars og apr?l, ? H?li, Vesturveg 15. Judy-ann er a? kl?ra Master of Arts (research) ? Queensland University of Technology. ?tskriftarverkefni? hennar ber titilinn The Silence…

GV at the Bookshop – projectspace

For the month of April, The Bookshop – projectspace will serve as a studio platform for the development of work by the members of the GV group; Philipp Ackermann, Christin Berg, Christoph Höhne, Thomas Judisch, Claus Lehmann, Valentin Lubberger, Lasse…

Dansa kv?ld me? lj?s bj?r og v?de? list

“Dansa kvöld með ljós bjór og vídeó list. ” – Saturday night 14/4 from 21:00 at the Bookshop – projectspace At the Decks: Höhne & Söhne & Topmann & Acktryggur. Entschuldigen Sie bitte? For the month of April, The Bookshop – projectspace will serve as a studio…

Housewarming barbeque for SYLT/SILD

? apr?l m?nu?i mun B?kab??inni ver?a breytt ? vinnustofu fyrir GV h?pinn. Vinnustofan ver?ur opin almenningi og er hverjum sem er velkomi? a? k?kja ? heims?kn og fylgjast me? ?r?un listaverksins. The notion is to build a permanent structure representing…

B?kab?? 10/4 18:00.

“We, GV, a group of artist would like to invite you for an introduction? to our planned project on the landfill area. Please feel welcome to come to the bookstore at 6 pm on this Tuesday” “The Scene as a…