
10 Dýr – Pétur Kristjánsson

Skaftfell kynnir sýningu á nýjum verkum eftir Pétur Kristjánsson á Vesturveggi Skaftfells bistro. Sem opnar samhliða List í ljósi, 14. febrúar kl. 18.00 Myndirnar hér, níu talsins, eru allar af…

IUA Seyðisfjörður workshop 2025

We are welcoming the year with a great group of third year fine art students from the Icelandic University of the Arts, staying at Skaftfell for two weeks and working…

Advent open house

December 7th, Skaftfell gallery from 15-17.00 Join us at Skaftfell Gallery to celebrate the Christmas season and a chance to make your own Christmas card. We’ll have a selection of…