

Skaftfell Hub ? Toolbox

The Skaftfell hub is an open workspace on the top floor of Skaftfell’s main building. Artists in residence are welcome to use the facilities at the Skaftfell Hub and are provided with a shared desk space. The toolbox includes basic…

The Skaftfell Education Program

Artists-in-residence are welcome to participate?in Skaftfells education program by giving?an artist talk or a workshop for the local community, by presenting their work in an open studio, or by contributing to?the Skaftfell Art Class for children at?the local?primary school.  

Artist residency houses

Skaftfell’s artist residencies are located in three historical?houses in the town of Seydisfj?r?ur,?all within short walking distance to Skaftfell and to each other. The houses are set up as private or shared self-catering accommodation, each including 2 bedrooms, a combined…

Art Library

The Skaftfell Bistro on the ground floor of the building houses a specialised visual arts library with a good selection of book works by the artist Dieter Roth, along with other?artist books and books about art. Contact the Skaftfell office…

Sculpture garden

The sculpture garden is a flexible and fluid venue curated by Skaftfell. It is located on a?landfill area next to the ferry harbour. It is integrated into?Hafnargar?ur, a community garden developed and supervised by the local Harbour Garden community. Skaftfell…

Bernd Koberling, Bj?rn Roth, Dieter Roth

Bernd Koberling  Lo?mundarfj?r?ur  Haust Bj?rn Roth Dieter Roth  Surtseyjarmyndir S?ningarsalur Skaftfells var formlega opna?ur og tekinn ? notkun 19. j?n?. S?ningar ? ??rum st??um: Sey?isfjar?arsk?li  j?n? 1999 Eggert Einarsson ?mar Stef?nsson Da?i Gu?bj?rnsson Tolli Uppl?singami?st?? fer?amanna…

S?ningar og vi?bur?ir 1998

J?n? 1998 S?ning fyrir allt – Til hei?urs og til minningar um Dieter Roth. Um 70 listamenn ?ttu verk ? s?ningunni Rith?fundavaka   S?ningar ? ??rum st??um. H?tel Sey?isfj?r?ur  j?n? 1998 Mar?a Gaskell Uppl?singami?st?? fer?amanna  Vesturveg 8 …

Exhibition for Everything

When Dieter Roth passed away in 1998 an exhibition in his honour was held at Skaftfell the same year. The title referrers to review Zeitschrift fur Alles that Dieter published. Group exhibition, a total of 70 artists exhibited. Photo: Magn?s…