

New honorary artistic director appointed

Skaftfell appoints with great pleasure Gavin Morrison as honorary artistic director for 2015-2016. I am fascinated by the different roles which Skaftfell fulfils for Seydisfjordur and how the art centre exists within the life of the town. I feel that…

Raunverulegt l?f

S?ningarstj?ri Gavin Morrison …as though literature, theatre, deceit, infidelity, hypocrisy, infelicity, parasitism, and the simulation of real life were not part of real life!* ?essi s?ning fjallar um l?f raunverulegs f?lks, ?? um nokku? ?venjulegt f?lk s? a? r??a. H?r…

Sequences VII – utandagskr?: “Salat Dagar” 18. – 19. apr?l

? B?kab??inni-verkefnar?mi Opnun laugardaginn 18. apr?l kl. 17:00. Sunnudaginn opi? kl. 13:00-16:00. Sem hluti af Sequences VII – utandagskr? kynnir Skaftfell SALAT DAGAR (Salat Days) eftir gestalistamanninn Jan- Michel Harmening. Harmening s?nir n?tt verk Die Locherin sem hann vann ?…


Friday  Sunday, 27- 29th. of March, at the Bookshop  Projectspace. The exhibition?PRESENTATION?shows the result of the artists two months residency in Sey?isfj?r?ur. Welcome at the opening Friday the 27th. at 20:00 where the artist additionally will introduce some…


F?studag – sunnudag, 27. -29. mars,? ? B?kab??inni-verkefnar?mi ? s?ningunni KYNNING? gefur a? l?ta afrakstur eftir tveggja m?na?a vinnudv?l ? Sey?isfir?i. Veri? velkominn ? opnunina f?studaginn 27. mars kl. 20:00. Listama?urinn mun einnig kynna vangaveltur sem komu fram ? me?an…

Gr?na hinum megin – vide? listah?t??

Her?ubrei?  b??salur Mi?vikudag 25. mars kl. 20:00. (109 m?n.) Gr?nna hinum megin er farands vide? listah?t?? stofnu? a? frumkv??i listamannsins Clemens Wilhelm ? Berl?n ?ri? 2011. A? ?essu sinni beinir h?t??in sj?num s?num a? verkum eftir ??ska listamenn sem…

Call for artists for a shared residency

Due to cancellation the Skaftfell Residency Program now has an opening this coming April and May for artists to apply and come with short notice ! The residency available is a shared residency at Nor?urgata in the old part of…