The Bookshop- Projectspace 12.12.09 – 10.01.10 Students Exhibition- Seyðisfjörður grammarschool photo exhibition

Seydisfjordur`s Circle of Mountains

The artist Gar?ar Eymundsson opens a new exhibition in Skaftfell – Center for Visual art, Saturday 28th November at 17:00 For the last fifteen months Gar?ar Eymundsson has been drawing…

Light and shadows

Students from Seydisfjordur?s elementary school??s, grade 7 -10 in visual art class, supervised by Skaftfell.

Call for applications 700.is video festival

Message from 700.is – please see their website www.700.is for more info or contact kscheving@gmail.com O P E N       C A L L 700IS Reindeerland International experimental film and video…