Past exhibitions

Ioana Popovici  Discard, decay, rust

West Wall gallery, Skaftfell Bistro, Oct 26  Nov 14, 2019. Opening times: daily from 15:00 to 22:00, or until the Bistro closes. Ioana Popovici is a choreographer, performer, and…

Jin Jing & Liu Yuanyuan

When The Boat Is Sailing Into Island I Know No More Than What I Know Now On September 26, from 17:00-20:00, Jin Jing (CN) and Liu Yuanyuan (CN) are holding…

Elvar M?r Kjartansson & Litten Nystr?m: Its not true

Opening: Saturday, 21.09.2019, 16h-18h21.09 – 26.10.2019 The title of the exhibition, It’s not true is purposefully enigmatic and as such is highly appropriate for the work of Elvar M?r Kjartansson…


Opening reception April 6, 16-18h. April 7  June 1, 2019 An exhibition of the wonderful, strange, and varied collections drawn from the residents of Sey?isfj?r?ur and surrounding areas. Skaftfell…

Hazard Zone  Through the Layers

September 10, 20:00-21:00, Her?ubrei? cinema Zdenka Brungot Sv?tekov? and her team, currently participating in Skaftfells residency program, will show a performative work in progress in Her?ubrei?s cinema space on September…

Zdenka Brungot Sv?tekov?  Through the Layers

Dance workshop and individual bodywork sessions As in all of nature, our patterns are layered into landscapes,changing each moment, while maintaining a sense of continuity and longevity. Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen…

Cheryl Donegan & Dieter Roth

Opening: June 17, 2019, Skaftfell galleryOpen from 17 June – 1 September, 2019 The exhibition?Cheryl Donegan & Dieter Roth considers Dieter Roth as an artist and publisher of books alongside…