Björn Þorláksson Hjálmar Jónsson Ingunn Snædal Sölvi Björn Sigurðsson


The Bookshop- Projectspace 12.12.09 – 10.01.10 Students Exhibition- Seyðisfjörður grammarschool photo exhibition

Seydisfjordur`s Circle of Mountains

The artist Garðar Eymundsson opens a new exhibition in Skaftfell – Center for Visual art, Saturday 28th November at 17:00 For the last fifteen months Garðar Eymundsson has been drawing…

Light and shadows

Students from Seydisfjordurðs elementary school´’s, grade 7 -10 in visual art class, supervised by Skaftfell.

Call for applications video festival

Message from – please see their website for more info or contact O P E N       C A L L 700IS Reindeerland International experimental film and video…


The West Wall Gallery 15.08.09- 15.09.09 in Skaftfell 16.08.09 in the Design School Atrium Victoria Uni Wellington, New Zealand


Þórunn Hjartardóttir opens an installation in Skaftfell´s project space in Seydisfjordur Thursday, August 20th, where she is in residence for the month. The project space is the old book shop where Þórunn has…

Open studio

Opin vinnustofa, listamennirnir Þór Sigurþórsson, Þuríður Sigurþórsdóttir og Ryan Sullivan munu vera með opna vinnustofu í bókabúðinni – verkefnarými Skaftfells dagana 20. júlí til 2 ágúst frá 12:00 – 18:00…


Ómarsson is born in Seyðisfjörður 1991. He is a self taught photographer who normally works with fashion photography. In the photographs in the exhibition he works on a more personal…


In this exhibition are paintings, drawings and photographs which Kristján has done recently. Their subject matter is in one sense or another locations, where earth matter is used to create…

Lambing season

The past few years I have been preparing an exhibition or happening under the title Fundamentals. It addresses the magical day in smaller Icelandic communities when sheep is gathered from…

Dúett – Sonnettusveigur

Bókin Dúett kom út fyrir tæpu ári og er samstarfsverkefni hjónanna Lóu, Ólafar Bjarkar Bragadóttur, og Sigurðar Ingólfssonar. Hún málar myndirnar og hann yrkir ljóðin. Myndirnar eru unnar með blandaðri…

No more

The Bookshop – Projectspace 18.04- 18.05.2009

Ekki meir

Veggspjöld eftir Svara Pétur Eysteinsson, grafískan hönnuð og tónlistarmann með meiru, verða til sýnis í Bókabúðinni – vinnurými Skaftfells 18. apríl – 18. maí. Sýningin samanstendur af sex veggspjöldum sem…


The Thirteenth Day exhibition at Skaftfell Art Center is a presentation of work created, both collaboratively and individually, by Jessica Langley and Ben Kinsley during their extended stay in Iceland.…


Nikolas Grabar comes from Slovenia. He is a self-thought amateur landscape photographer “on a steep learning curve, mostly through trial & error. “One of the main reasons for coming to… Hreindýraland 2009

The experimental film/video festival will be realised for the fourth time in Egilsstaðir 21st – 28th of March. The setup of year 2009 is different from earlier as the emphasis…


Kippuhringur is an exhibition by six students of the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and two guest students from the Valand Art Academy in Sweden. The students spend two weeks…