Main Gallery 20.08. – 18.09.2005 The painter Carl Fredrik Hill went crazy in Paris 1878. He was a respected artist with a great ambition to win the Grand Prix…
Main Gallery 20.08. – 18.09.2005 The painter Carl Fredrik Hill went crazy in Paris 1878. He was a respected artist with a great ambition to win the Grand Prix…
The West Wall Gallery 06.08. – 18.08.2005 Even ugliness is beautiful on film. The glitch between fantasy and reality is not manifested in big gestures. My name is…
Gerður Kristný Guðlaugur Arason Gunnar Hersveinn Jón Hallur Stefánsson Jón Kalman Yrsa Sigurðardóttir
The West Wall Gallery 16.07. – 04.08.2005
Main Gallery 02.07. – 13.08.2005
The West Wall Gallery 25.06. – 15.07.2005 I BELIEVE / ég trúi (Titel by Jóhönnu GÃsladóttur)
The West Wall Gallery 23.06.2005 A group of artists/musicians working togeather at Eiðar for a week performed on the evening before “jónsmessa” in the Skaftfell Bistro.
Main Gallery 15.05. – 26.06.2005 Vatnajökull is the largest glacier in Europe. Volcanic activity under glaciers, which is greater in Iceland than anywhere else, is most extensive beneath the Vatnajökull…
The annual collaboration between the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and the Dieter Roth Academy has come to a conclusion, the exhibition “Austrumu kontakts” is an attempt to merge the…
The annual collaboration between the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and the Dieter Roth Academy. Curator: Björn Roth
The annual exhibition of the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and the Dieter Roth Academy. Curator: Björn Roth.
The artworks are based on old photographs made by unknown photographers in the beginning of last century. The subject of all of them is waterfalls in Iceland. Each photographer presents…
This group of artist have stood behind a various exhibitions and events. One of those events is the “open gallery” which is a one day exhibition that evolves around the…
Exhibition with 75 artist from all over Iceland. Curators Harpa Björnsdóttir and Ólöf Nordal
The annual exhibition of the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and the Dieter Roth Academy. Curator: Björn Roth
Birgir Andrésson Magnús Reynir Jónsson Rithöfundalestin
Ásmundur Ásmundsson Gabríela Friðriksdóttir Gunnhildur Hauksdóttir Magnús Sigurðarson Sirra Sigrún Sigurðardóttir Steingrímur Eyfjörð
Paul Osipow Philip V. Knorring Mrs. Pamela Brandt
The annual exhibition of the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and the Dieter Roth Academy. Curator: Björn Roth
Summer exhibition Olav Christopher Jenssen Authors-train Exhibitions around town: Herðubreið – July 2000 – Culture and Nature Graduation students from the Icelandic Art Academy. Curator and teacher: Þorvaldur Þorsteinsson Ragnar Kjartansson Arnfinnur…
Tvísöngur is an artwork and open venue by the German artist Lukas Kühne. It was opened for the public on September 5, 2012. Embedded in the mountainside above the town of Seyðisfjörður,…
The print studio consist partly of Dieter Roth´s printmaking presses and tools, in addition there is a letterpress and basic tools for bookbinding. Metal workshop with Forge. Basic tools (minus…
Bernd Koberling – Loðmundarfjörður – autumn Björn Roth Dieter Roth – Surtsey series The Skaftfell gallery was officially opened in June 19, 1999. Exhibitions around town: Seyðisfjarðar Primary school – June…
When Dieter Roth passed away in 1998 an exhibition in his honour was held at Skaftfell the same year. The title referrers to review Zeitschrift fur Alles that Dieter published.…
Skaftfell was founded in 1998, but the house hosted its first exhibition in 1996.The artists book store Boekie Wokeie in Amsterdam celebrated their 10 year anniversary with a exhibition in…