
Welcome Heejoon June Yoon

Skaftfell warmly welcomes Heejoon June Yoon artist in residence for the month of January. Heejoon June Yoon is an interdisciplinary artist and educator whose work aims to uncover the ecology…

Testing Grounds Episode 8

The 8th and final episode of the NAARCA podcast series, Testing Grounds, is out now. Link in bio to listen! How might a philosophy of repair change our approach to…

Gardening of Soul: Riso workshop

Gardening of Soul: Riso workshop – 31/10 and 1/11 from 16 – 19. Two day workshop in riso printing for 14 and up in Prentverk Sey?isfj?r?ur, ?ldugata 14. The workshop…

The Young Arctic Creatures Workshop

Skaftfell Art Center, in association with BRAS, M?la?ing, and Str?ndin Studio, will host an all-day creative workshop with students from Br?ar?ssk?li, on Wednesday, May 3, in Sey?isfj?r?ur. The workshop was…

Preserving Tv?s?ngur

Acknowledging Lukas K?hne’s sculpture Tv?s?ngur as an important sonic landmark in the cultural landscape of East Iceland, M?la?ing, which owns the work, and Skaftfell, which oversees its care, recently signed…


Tv?s?ngur, eftir ??ska listamanninn Lukas K?hne, er mikilv?gt hlj??kennileiti ? menningarlandslagi Austurlands og M?la?ing, sem n? ? sk?lpt?rinn, og Skaftfell, sem s?r um var?veislu hans, undirritu?u n?lega samkomulag vi? listamanninn…