samlestur: hvernig ? a? hugsa myndir p?lit?skt? / reading group: how to think images politically?

Hvernig ? a? hugsa myndir p?lit?skt?

??r er bo?i? a? taka ??tt ? samlestri me? gestalistamanni Skaftfells Florin Bobu, mi?vikudaginn 18. okt?ber ? efstu h?? Skaftfells.?

Til a? svara spurningunni “hvernig ? a? hugsa myndir p?lit?skt?” munum vi? reyna a? for?ast sko?anir s?rfr??inga (? listum e?a v?sindum) og takast ? vi? verkefni? sj?lf, ? sameiginlegri tilraun til a? lesa, hugsa og athafast saman. Vi? munum nota fullyr?ingu Jean-Luc Godard sem ?tgangspunkt: Vandam?li? er ekki a? gera p?lit?skar kvikmyndir, heldur a? gera kvikmyndir ? p?lit?skan h?tt og vi? munum reyna a? ?grunda ? gagnr?ninn h?tt tilraunir virkra listamanna og a?ger?arsinna sem hafa reynt a? skapa f?lagslegar og p?lit?skar breytingar ? gegnum verk s?n.

Myndatexti: Skj?skot af vefs??u sn?i? r?tts?lis um 90 gr??ur me? fr?ttatilkynningu um s?ninguna Harun Farocki: Between Two Wars sem var skipul?g? ?ri? 2018 af 1+1 ( & Iasi


how to think images politically??

You are invited to a reading group with Skaftfells artist in residence Florin Bobu, Wednesday October 18th in the upstairs apartment above the Skaftfell gallery.?

In order to answer the question how to think images politically? we will try to employ less the expert views (in the arts or sciences) and address the task ourselves, in a collective attempt to read, think and act together. We will depart from Jean-Luc Godards famous articulation The problem is not to make political films, but to make films politically and we will try to reflect critically on the experience of engaged artists and activists that have attempted to produce social and political change through their work.

Image caption: Printscreen of the website of rotated right by 90 degrees featuring the press release of the exhibition Harun Farocki: Between Two Wars organized in 2018 by 1+1 ( & Iasi