

The Kitchen Sink Revolution in Herdubreid Cinema

The Kitchen Sink Revolution is a documentary film chronicling the effect of the womens party that ran for office in 1982 on women in politics in Iceland. After the colourful grassroots radicalism and awakening of the seventies the so-called New…

Hva? er svona merkilegt vi? ?a?? ? Her?ubrei?

Hva? er svona merkilegt vi? ?a? fjallar um skrautlega kvennabar?ttu n?unda og t?unda ?ratugarins. Myndin rekur s?gu Kvennalistans og annara kvenfrelsishr?ringa ? gr?skumiklum t?mum og hva? gerist ?egar grasr?tarsamt?k storma inn ? hi? skipulag?a kerfi. Vi? lendum ?? ?ri? 2015…

Atlandshafs tv??ringur: ?s?g? saga

For thousands of years the ocean was defining the limits of the known world. For centuries it has inspired people to overcome the impossible. Today the ocean is connecting nations and ideas and traditions. The Atlantic Biennale: Untold Saga kick-off…

Perception lab for color and shape

In conjunction with the exhibition opening of Icelandic artists Eyborg Gudmundsdottir and Eyglo Hardardottir, Skaftfell will launch its seventh educational project. Since 2007 the Center has produced a total of six visual art educational activities tailored to the needs of…

Skynjunarstofa um liti og form

? tengslum vi? opnun s?ningar ? verkum Eyborgar Gu?mundsd?ttur og Eygl?ar Har?ard?ttur ? Skaftfelli, laugardaginn 31. okt?ber, var?sj?unda fr??sluverkefni? sem Skaftfells hleypt af stokkunum. Skaftfell h?f ?ri? 2007 markvisst fr??slustarf sni?i? a? ??rfum grunnsk?lanna ? Austurlandi. Skaftfell hefur s??an ??…

Eyborg Gu?mundsd?ttir & Eygl? Har?ard?ttir

October 31, 2015 – February 13, 2016 Gallery Two person show featuring Eyborg Gudmundsdottir and Eyglo Hardardottir. Curated by Gavin Morrison. Eyborg Gudmundsdottir (1924-1977) and Eyglo Hardardottir (born 1964) are artists from two different generations. The work of both is…


Gestalistama?ur Skaftfells Cristina David, tekur ??tt ?slenska og r?menska samstarfsverkefninu?Artists as Agents of Institutional Exchange. Sem hluti af ?v? verkefni mun?Cristina steyma ? gegnum neti?.? N?nar um verkefni? Artists as Agents of Institutional Exchange?is a 2015 joint initiative of tranzit.ro/…

Online broadcast

Artist-in-Residence Cristina David (RO) is participating in the Romanian Icelandic collaboration project entitled Artists as Agents of Institutional Exchange. As a part of the project she will stream live via a online platform. About the project Artists as Agents of…


Herna is the Icelandic word for here now and is used in everyday speech to bring you back into the moment when loosing yourself a little bit. Artists Victoria Brannstrom presents Herna. On exhibition is the result of the silent…