

Rith?fundalest(ur) ? Austurlandi 2014

??rarinn Eldj?rn, Soff?a Bjarnad?ttir, Krist?n Eir?ksd?ttir, Gyr?ir El?asson og G?sli P?lsson lesa ?r n?jum verkum. Auk ?ess ver?a me? ? f?r austfirsk sk?ld og ???endur: Hrafnkell L?russon, Ingunn Sn?dal, Kristan Guttesen, Sigga L?ra Sigurj?nsd?ttir og Stef?n Bogi Sveinsson. A?gangseyrir er…

Authors train 2014

The annual Authors train will stop at Sey?isfj?r?ur?Saturday November 29. The reading will be begin at 20.30 sharp in the exhibition space. Five authors will read from their newly published books, in Icelandic: ??rarinn Eldj?rn, Soff?a Bjarnad?ttir, Krist?n Eir?ksd?ttir, Gyr?ir…

“..Weeds, those Trojans..”

Natures aesthetic preservation and human intervention / aspects of utopia and dystopia ? fimmtudagskv?ldi?, 28. ?g?st, munu Maria Glyka og Vassilis Vlastaras fr? Grikklandi bj??a upp ? sj?nr?na framsetningu ? verkefninu “&weeds, those trojans&” sem ?au hafa unni? a? undanfarin…

Listamannaspjall #18

F?studaginn 8. ?g?st kl. 17:00 B?kab??in-verkefnar?mi N?komnir gestalistamenn Skaftfells ? ?g?st; Daniel Bj?rnsson (IS), Maria Glyka + Vassilis Vlastaras (GR) og Malin Pettersson ?berg + My Lindh (SE) munu halda listamannaspjall fyrir ?hugasama. Spjalli? fer fram ? ensku. Veri? velkomin!…

Artist talk #18

Friday the 8th of August at 17:00 Skaftfell invites you for an artist talk with the current artists in residence for the month of August; Daniel Björnsson (IS), Maria Glyka and Vassilis Vlastaras (GR) at the Bookshop – projectspace. Each artist…

Guided tour of “R? R?” Wednesdays at 16:00

      During the summer Skaftfell offers a guided presentation of the current exhibition “RÓ RÓ” every Wednesday afternoon. The staff will present each artwork in the exhibition room as well as selected works at other locations in town.…