

R? R?

Sumars?ning Skaftfells 2014 ber heiti? R? R?. ?ar er stefnt saman h?pi myndlistamanna sem eiga ?a? sameiginlegt a? vera ? virkum tengslum vi? Sey?isfj?r?. Sumir b?a ? sta?num, a?rir eiga h?sn??i ?ar e?a koma reglulega ? fj?r?inn. Til s?nis eru…

Secret Garden Ver?nd

AFHJ?PUN OG ?TG?FUH?F ? H?LI FIMMTUDAGINN 28. ?G?ST KL. 16:00 Sta?bundin innsetning eftir s?nsku listakonunna Suz?nna Asp ver?ur formlega afhj?pa? ? gar?inum ? H?li gestavinnustofu, Vesturvegi 15, fimmtudaginn 28. ?g?st kl. 16:00. Verkefni? SECRET GARDEN VER?ND h?fst ?ri? 2012 af…

The Girl Who Never Was

S?nski listama?urinn Erik B?nger flytur fyrirlestrar-gj?rningin “The Girl Who Never Was” ? s?ningarsal Skaftfells. ?ri? 2008 enduruppg?tva?i bandar?skur fr??ima?ur t?nd ummerki af fyrstu hlj??uppt?kunni sem ger? var af mannsr?ddinni: 148 ?ra r?dd l?tillar st?lku a? syngja fr?nsku v?gguv?suna “Au Clair…

Russian Cinema: Angels of Revolution

Wednesday October 29 at 210.00 the Russian film “Angels of Revolution”  will be screened at Herðubreið Cinema in collaboration with the Russian Embassy in Reykjavik. The film has English subtitles and admission is free. Popcorn will be sold at the location.…


Students on their final year in the Fine Arts department from the Iceland Academy of the Arts present the exhibition SO? (e. stew), in Skaftfell, Sey?isfj?r?ur, East Iceland. This exhibition is the result of the students’ two-week workshop, a collaboration…

R?ssnesk kvikmyndager?: Angels of Revolution

Mi?vikudaginn 29. okt?ber kl. 20:00 mun r?ssneska kvikmyndin “Angels of Revolution” ver?a s?nd ? Her?ubrei? ? bo?i?R?ssneska sendir??sins. Myndin fjallar um fimm vini: lj??sk?ld, leikari, m?lara, arkitekt og leikstj?ri, sem gera tilraun til a? finna holdtekju drauma sinna ? n?stofnu?u…

In colour

Thursday April 17 Students from grade 7-10 from the Sey?isfjar?arsk?li primary school exhibit paintings made with home-made paint and tints from locally available material. Supervised by Litten Nystr?m.

? lit

Fimmtudaginn 17. apr?l S?ning eftir nemendur ?r 7.  10. bekk ? Sey?isfjar?arsk?la undir lei?s?gn Litten Nystr?m. Til s?nis ver?a m?lverk m?lu? me? heimatilb?inni m?lningu og litarefni b?in til ?r efnivi? fr? n?rumhverfi.

Aspects of Abiotic Metabolism

The Bookshop – projectspace April 17 – 24, 2014 Abiotic comes from the Greek and means “without life”. There are things in the world that are said to not be living – and yet they are in motion, can store…

Artist talk #17

At the Bookshop – projectspace Newly arrived artists in residence at Skaftfell; Munan Ovrelid (NO) and Melissa Pokorny (US) will give an introduction to their work and practice. Munan will be staying at Skaftfell for 3 months May-July and Melissa…