

Hei?a and Berglind: mom’s and sons

The musicians Hei?a Eir?ks and Berglind ?g?stsd?ttir will go on a small tour around the country, beginning of June. They both play original music, that can be categorized as experimental, alternative popmusic, but they approach it in different ways. Hei?a…

Record your Memory at the Bookshop

?ri?judag og mi?vikudag, 28.-29. ma? B?kab??in ver?ur opin fr? kl. 10:00-17:00. Finissage mi?vikudag 16:00-17:00. N?verandi gestalistamenn Skaftfells, ?sd?s Sif Gunnarsd?ttir (IS), Manfred Hubmann (AT), and Yann Leguay (F), munu halda tveggja daga s?ningu ? verkum s?num ? B?kab??inni-verkefnar?mi. Yann Leguay…

Record your Memory at the Bookshop

Tuesday – Wednesday, May 28-29 The Bookshop is open from 10.00-17.00 Current Artists-in-Residence Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir (IS), Manfred Hubmann (AT), and Yann Leguay (F) will host a mutual two-day exhibition at the Bookshop – Projectspace. The last hour of the…

PRJ?N: Gj?rningaverkefni

?sta Fanney Sigur?ard?ttir (IS) Brent Birnbaum (US) Gavin Morrison (GB/F)?– ? samstarfi me??Karen Breneman (US) Karlotta Bl?ndal (IS) Yvette Brackman (US/DK) S?ningarstj?ri:?R??hildur Ingad?ttir Gj?rningadagskr?: 16.-24. ma? Teiknigj?rningur Skaftfell – s?ningarsalur Brent Birnbaum Mi?vikudagur 22. ma? Fimmtudagur 23. ma? Kl. 17:00…

KNIT: Performance project

Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir (IS) Brent Birnbaum (US) Gavin Morrison (GB/F) – collaborating with Karen Breneman (US) Karlotta Blöndal (IS) Yvette Brackman (US/DK) Curated by Ráðhildur Ingadóttir Performance sessions: May 16 – 24 Open ongoing drawing performance Skaftfell -exhibition space Brent Birnbaum    Wednesday…

Listamannaspjall #12

Skaftfell hefur teki? ? m?ti ?remur n?jum gestalistam?nnum og munu ?eir halda stutta kynningu n?stkomandi ?ri?judag kl. 21:00 ? B?kab??inni-verkefnar?mi. ?sd?s Sif Gunnarsd?ttir sem dvelur ? einn m?nu?. Manfred Hubmann fr? Austurr?ki og dvelur hann ? tvo m?nu?i. Yann Leguay…

Artist talk #12

Tuesday, May 7 at 21.00, three Artists-in-Residence will have an artist talk in the Bookshop-Projectspace. They are: Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdóttir from Iceland, staying for one month. Manfred Hubmann from Austria, staying for two month. Yann Leguay from Brussels, staying for…

Artist talks #11

Wednesday 24th of April at 14:00 in the Norðurgata Residency The current artists in residence; Joey Syta, Andrius Mulokas and Liam Scully and Skaftfell invites for an informal artist talk at the Norðurgata residency this wednesday afternoon. The 3 artist have…

Listamannaspjall #11

Listamennirnir Joey Syta, Andrius Mulokas og Liam Scully?hafa dvali? ? gestavinnustofum Skaftfells fr? ?v? ? mars. ?eir munu allir lj?ka dv?l sinni n? um m?na?arm?tin og af ?v? tilefni ver?ur haldi? ?formlegt listamannaspjall mi?vikudaginn 24. apr?l kl. 14:00 ? gestavinnustofunni…