

Cristina Mariani

We are thrilled to welcome Cristina Mariani, Skaftfells artist in residence in April and May. Marianis current research is focused on the perception of soil and rocks as immutable and inert entities, according to Mans time what modifies slowly is…

Cristina Mariani

Vi? bj??um Cristinu Mariani hjartanlega velkomna sem gestalistamann Skaftfells ? apr?l og ma?. Ranns?knir Mariani beinast a? skynjun ? jar?vegi og steinum sem ?breytanlegum og ?virkum einingum, samkv?mt t?ma mannsins er ?a? sem breytist h?gt tali? ?hreyfanlegt. Mariani vinnur fyrst…

Jessica Auer: The Heath

15.4.2024  8.6.2024 Opening: Saturday, April 13, 4-6 pm The Heath exhibition comprises recent photographs and videos by the renowned Sey?isfj?r?ur- based, Canadian photographer Jessica Auer.  Hei?in  an ongoing work, explores the history and development of Road 93, the…

Jessica Auer: Hei?in

15.4.2024  8.6.2024 Opnun: Laugardaginn 13. apr?l, kl.16.00 – 18.00 S?ningin samanstendur af n?legum lj?smyndum og v?de?verkum eftir kanad?ska lj?smyndarann Jessicu Auer sem b?sett er ? Sey?isfir?i. Hei?in er yfirstandandi verkefni sem kannar s?gu og ?r?un vegs 93, h?sta fjallvegar…

TRIPTYKON innsetning eftir LungA sk?lan

Sunnudaginn 24. mars opnar LungA sk?linn innsetningu ? s?ningarsal Skaftfell. Innsetningin er hluti af TRIPTYKON lokas?ningu nemenda ? listabraut sem fer fram ? ?remur mismunandi st??um ? b?num. Byrja? ver?ur me? samkomu ? Skaftfelli klukkan 12:00 ?ar sem st?r sameiginleg…

TRIPTYCON LungA school installation

This Sunday on the 24th of March the LungA school is opening an installation in the Skaftfell gallery. The installation is a part of the final exhibition of the Lunga School art program taking place in three different locations. It…

Sound Bridge eftir Jan Krti ka

Sound Bridge e?a Hlj??br?in eftir Jan Krti ka er verk sem hann vann a? ? me?an hann dvaldi sem gestalistama?ur Skaftfells ?ri? 2022. Vinnustofudv?l hans var hluti af al?j??lega samstarfsverkefninu Gardening of Soul. Verki? tengir ? hlj??r?nan h?tt tvo mj?g…

Sound Bridge by Jan Krti ka

Listen to the soft rain currently dripping off Skaftfells roof contrasting the birds chirping in the garden around the House of Arts in ?sti nad Laben. The Sound Bridge by Jan Krti ka was created during his residency at Skaftfell…

Welcome Michael Soltau

Skaftfell warmly welcomes artist in residence Michael Soltau. Media professor Michael Soltau, born 1953, Oldenburg (Germany) lives and works in Leipzig and Varel. His long-standing artistic work explores analogies between nature and media. This places processes of representation in photographic…

Velominn Michael Soltau

Vi? bj??um Michael Soltau hjartanlega velkominn ? gestavinnustofu Skaftfells. Fj?lmi?lapr?fessorinn Michael Soltau, f?ddur 1953 ? Oldenburg (??skaland) b?r og starfar ? Leipzig og Varel. ? gegnum feril hans sem listama?ur hefur hann kanna? l?kingar ? milli n?tt?ru og mi?la. Hann…