

Skaftfell 20 years old

This year the small rural art center Skaftfell celebrates its 20th anniversary as an organization. A few projects are in process to mark the occasion, including a publication in collaboration with Elfa Hl?n P?tursd?ttir from the Center for Cultural Studies…

Skaftfell 20 ?ra

Skaftfell fagnar 20 ara starfsafm?li ? ?essu ?ri og ?mislegt i vinnslu til a? fagna afanganum. T.d. er veri? a? vinna a? utgafu afm?lisrits i samstarfi vi? Mi?sto? menningarfr??a, Elfu Hl?n P?tursd?ttur, me? ?a? a? lei?arljosi a? skjalfesta 20 ara…

Printing Matter – ?kafi

S??ustu ?rj?r vikur hefur h?pur al?j??legra listamanna teki? ??tt ? ?ematengdri vinnustofu,?Printing Matter, ?ar sem prentun og b?kverkager? eru ranns?ku? b??i verklega og hugmyndafr??ilega. Lei?beinandi er danska listakonan og graf?ski h?nnu?urinn ?se Eg J?rgensen og hefur h?purinn m.a. veri? me?…

White Sun

The artist group IYFAC (Inspirational Young Female Artist Club) have for the past months researched time as a concept and experience, as well as?the connection that humans have with the sun. We who live in the northern hemisphere are used…

Printing Matter for the second time

As part of the ongoing Skaftfell Residency Program, the Thematic Residency Printing Matter aims to create a platform for exchange, discussion, and collaboration amongst fellow artists from various disciplines, who share a professional interest in the residencys topic, both on…

Printing Matter ? anna? sinn

? byrjun febr?ar h?fst haldi? ?riggja vikna l?ng ?ematengd gestavinnustofa sem nefndist “Printing Matter”. ?etta er ? anna? sinn sem Skaftfell skipuleggur vinnustofuna ?ar sem r?nt er?? prenta?fer?ir og b?kverkager? og ger?ar tilraunir me? ?? mi?la. ? ?r taka ??tt…

All Paths Blocked

The exhibition All Paths Blocked?presents the result of a workshop with the 3rd year students of the Fine Art Department of the Iceland Academy of the Arts. The two week long workshop is done in collaboration with the Dieter Roth…

Allar lei?ir sl?mar

S?ningin Allar lei?ir sl?mar?er afrakstur n?mskei?s sem ?tskriftarnemar vi? Listah?sk?la ?slands, myndlistardeild, s?kja um ?essar mundir. N?mskei?i?, sem stendur ? tv?r vikur, er ? samstarfi vi? Dieter Roth Akadem?una og st?rt af Birni Roth og Kristj?ni Steingr?mi J?nssyni. ?au komu…

Drawing course for age 12 and older in Feb and Mar

In the beginning of November starts a drawing course for curious and enthusiastic drawers. The course is aimed for age 12 and older, also grown ups. The main focus will be on introducing and training different drawing techniques and styles.…