

Rith?fundalest(ur) ? Austurlandi

?rviss rith?fundalest er samkv?mt hef? fyrstu helgi ? a?ventu. Lestin fer um Austurland dagana 30. n?v. til 2. des og stoppar ? Sey?isfir?i laugardaginn 2. des. kl. 20:30. ? fer? ver?a kunnir h?fundar me? n?justu verk s?n. Austfirska ver?launask?ldi? J?nas…

Drawing course, for age 12 and older

In the beginning of November starts a drawing course for curious and enthusiastic drawers. The course is aimed for age 12 and older, also grown ups. The main focus will be on introducing and training different drawing techniques and styles.…

The Bistro has reopened

The Bistro has reopened and is open from now on daily at 15.00, kitchen closes at 21.00. Skaftfell Bistro offers fulfilling food, pizzas, aromatic coffee, delicious cakes and sweets, ale, wine and other beverages. Skaftfell is, amongst other things, the…

Bistr?i? aftur b?i? a? opna

Skaftfell Bistr? er b?i? a? opna aftur og opnar h??an ? fr? daglega kl. 15:00, eldh?si? lokar kl. 21:00. ? Bistr?inu er bo?i? upp? ilmandi kaffi, tertur og s?tindi, se?jandi mat, pizzur, ?l, v?n og a?rar veigar.?Skaftfell er a?setur Dieter…

Corrected Vision

LOCATION: Austurvegur 42, 3rd floor. We recommend potential guest follow the FB event, see here. “Corrected Vision” is a new installation by artist Jessica MacMillan, where she has turned her bedroom in Skaftfell’s artist residency apartment into a solar observation…

Lei?r?tt s?n

STA?SETNING: Austurvegur 42, 3. h??. Vi? m?lum me? a? ?hugasamir fylgist me? ? FB hvort ve?urskilyr?in s?u g??, sj? n?nar. “Corrected Vision” is a new installation by artist Jessica MacMillan, where she has turned her bedroom in Skaftfell’s artist residency…

Margr?t H. Bl?ndal

Einkas?ning Margr?tar H. Bl?ndal, pollur – spegill, stendur yfir fr? 7. okt – 26. n?v. ?g var ? fer? f?tgangandi, ?verkar ? st?gum myndu?u d?ldir fyrir vatn sem hefur fossa? fr? himninum s??ustu daga.? Spegill spegill herm ?? m?r.? Sumir…


Blink presents works by four artists, who are in various ways exploring mechanisms of observation and documentation in relation to time and space. The exhibiting artists, Jessica MacMillan (US), Maiken Stene (NO), Malin Franz?n (SE) and Yen Noh (KR), are…


S?ningin Blikka samanstendur af verkum eftir fj?ra listamenn sem, me? ?l?kri n?lgun, kryfja athafnirnar sem fela ? s?r a? rannsaka og skr?setja ? tengslum vi? t?ma og r?mi. S?nendur eru gestalistamenn Skaftfells ? okt?ber og n?vember 2017: Jessica MacMillan (US),…