

never mine

? s?ningunni?never mine?breytir Miriam Jonas B?kab??inni-verkefnar?mi ? s?gu?sem ? ekki a? lesa heldur st?ga inn ?: heims?kn ? ?mynda?a n?mu,?afdrep og tilraunastofu hli?arsj?lfs hennar. Fr?s?gnin?er kn?in ?fram af ?hrifum sta?arh?tta ?ar sem listakonan?var a? finna sj?lfa sig umvafna h?um fj?llum…

never mine

The exhibition?never mine?by Miriam Jonas transforms the Bookshop project space into a story not to be read, but to be stepped into: A visit to her Alter Ego?s imaginary mine, shelter and laboratory. This story is driven by the impact…


Film screening in Her?ubrei?  cinema, 24:21 min. Luke Fowlers films dwell on potentiality: what might be, what might have been, what might still be if the world were to turn in a different direction? But film time runs in…


Kvikmyndas?ning ? Her?ubrei?  b??sal, 24:21 min. Stuttmynd Luke Fowler er huglei?ing um hva? getur or?i?, hva? hef?i geta? or?i?, hva? g?ti enn or?i? ef heimurinn myndi sn?ast ? a?ra ?tt. Depositions film time runs in many directions, as do…


In a series of text recitals, Nora tells stories through historical facts, philological ponderings and poetic means. For The Assembly of the Hyperboreans, she will tell a story about the different functions of the mouth, its cultural history, a drowned…


Norska listakonan Nora Joung endursegir s?gur sem sty?jast?vi??s?gulegar sta?reyndir, heimspekilegar vangaveltur og lj??r?na fr?s?gn. Fyrir s?ninguna Samkoma handan Nor?anvinsins mun h?n segja fr? mismunandi virkni munnsins, menningars?gu hans, st?lku sem drukkna?i og g?mm?brag?i. “The rescue-Anne doll is said to be…