


List ?n landam?ra ?samt Skaftfelli og LungA kynna?sams?ninguna ?r?h?f?a ? Her?ubrei? ? Sey?isfir?i ?ann 11. j?l? kl. 17:00. Sey?firska bandi? Times New Roman mun spila nokkur l?g ? opnuninni.? S?ningin er samstarf austfirsku listamannanna Arons Kale, Dan?els Bj?rnssonar og Odee.…

Triple headed

Art without borders with Skaftfell and LungA festival introduce the exhibition Triple Headed which will be held in Her?ubrei?, the community center of Sey?isfj?r?ur. Opening is on the 11th of July at 5:00 pm. The band Times New Roman will…

Call for Applications

Deadline Sept 1, 2016. The residency program at Skaftfell Center for Visual Art aims to create and nurture an environment for inspiration, focus, and experiment; to encourage artists to experience life and work in a unique micro community where creativity…

Secret veil – The lecture

The event is composed of potential misunderstandings in the common memory. Various myths will be unveiled that possibly have their origins in the roots of the north. ?sta Fanney Sigur?ard?ttir was born in 1987. She graduated with BA in visual…

Hin leynda hula  fyrirlestur

Vi?bur?urinn samanstendur af m?gulegum rangf?rslum ? sameiginlegum minningum ?j??arinnar. Hulunni svipt af ?msum go?s?gnum sem hugsanlega eiga r?tur a? rekja til nor?ursins. ?sta Fanney Sigur?ard?ttir f?ddist ?ri? 1987. H?n ?tskrifa?ist me? B.A. pr?f ? myndlist fr? Listah?sk?la ?slands ?ri? 2012…

The Assembly of the Hyperboreans

We are Hyperboreans–we know well enough how remote our place is. “Neither by land nor by water will you find the road to the Hyperboreans”: even Pindar,in his day, knew that much about us. Beyond the North, beyond the ice,…

Samkoma handan Nor?anvindsins

Vi? erum Hyperb?rearnir, vi? ?ekkjum ?a? vel hversu afskekktur sta?ur okkar er. Hvorki um l?? n? l?g ratar ?? lei?ina til Hyperb?reanna: Jafnvel sk?ldi? Pindar vissi minnst, ? s?num t?ma. Handan Nor?ursins, handan ?sanna, handan dau?ans  l?f vort, hamingja…