

Testing Grounds Episode 8

The 8th and final episode of the NAARCA podcast series, Testing Grounds, is out now. Link in bio to listen! How might a philosophy of repair change our approach to planning and architecture? Art Hub Copenhagen is NAARCAs Danish partner,…

Testing Grounds 8. ??ttur

The 8th and final episode of the NAARCA podcast series, Testing Grounds, is out now. Link in bio to listen! How might a philosophy of repair change our approach to planning and architecture? Art Hub Copenhagen is NAARCAs Danish partner,…

IUA: Prints from Sey?isfj?r?ur

Skaftfell Art Center announces a new installation on the west wall of Skaftfell bistro: a portfolio of prints by students of the Iceland University of the Arts from their residency in March, 2023.

Er ekki lengur | No Longer?|?DNER *N9O/R

Er ekki lengur | No Longer?|?DNER *N9O/R Nermine?El Ansari November 30 – December 17, 2023 The French-born, Egyptian artist El Ansari left her home in Cairo in the aftermath of the Arab Spring revolts that took place in?the Middle East?and?North…

Er ekki lengur | No Longer?|?DNER *N9O/R

Er ekki lengur | No Longer?|?DNER *N9O/R Nermine?El Ansari 30. n?vember – 17. desember, 2023 Hin franskf?dda, egypska listakona El Ansari yfirgaf heimili sitt ? Ka?r? ? kj?lfar arab?ska vorsins sem ?tti s?r sta? ? Mi?austurl?ndum og Nor?ur-Afr?ku ? lok…

Velkomin Sara Nielsen Bonde

Vi? bj??um S?ru Nielsen Bonde velkomna sem gestalistamann Skaftfells. Bonde (f.1992) fr? S?nderborg ? Danm?rku, stunda?i n?m vi? Listah?sk?la Su?ur-J?tlands ? Danm?rku og seinna vi? konunglega Listah?sk?lann ? Stokkh?lmi ?a?an sem h?n hlaut meistaragr??u ?ri? 2019. H?n stunda?i skiptin?m ?…

Celia Harrison new director

The Board of Skaftfell is delighted to announce the appointment of Celia Harrison as new director of Skaftfell Art Center. She will take up her position on January 1st, 2024. With a wealth of experience and a passion for the…

Celia Harrison n?r forst??uma?ur

Celia Harrison hefur veri? r??in n?r forst??uma?ur Skaftfells, Listami?st?? Austurlands. H?n tekur til starfa 1. jan?ar n?stkomandi.? Celia hefur mikla reynslu og ?str??u fyrir list og hefur unni? sem listr?nn stj?rnandi, framlei?andi og s?ningarstj?ri og hefur veri? b?sett ? Sey?isfir?i…