

Lifeforce, A Soliloquy and 6 Poems

Like a steady moving creek, life passes patiently with or without us. Lifeforce juxtaposes an out of focus image of a large boulder violently battered by cresting waves with fragmented pieces of snowy ice sheets being carried out to sea.…


Interzones or territories, disparate and similar, connected to each other by conducting images and by the energy transmitted through the filmed landscapes. The zones are combining, overlapping, opposing, creating dynamics. They are parasitized and interdependent. Connections occur. Various layers follow…


Interzone, e?a yfirr??asv??i, eru sundurlaus og svipu?, tengd hvert vi? anna? me? myndum og orkufl??inu fr? landslags myndskei?i. Interzones or territories, disparate and similar, connected to each other by conducting images and by the energy transmitted through the filmed landscapes.…

Suspending plains

Welcome to the presentation of experiments by Nora Mertes at the Bookshop-projectspace?Thursday January 21, from 20.00 -22.00. Nora Mertes researches the relationship between the human body and material in her surroundings. While reflecting upon it she uses her hands and…

Suspending plains

Veri? hjartanlega velkomin a? upplifa listr?nar tilraunir, fimmtudaginn 21. jan?ar, fr? kl. 20:00-22:00 ? B?kab??inni-verkefnar?mi. ??ska listakonan Nora Mertes sko?ar tengsl mannsl?kamans og efnis ? umhverfinu. H?n notar hendur s?nar og l?kama til a? velta fyrir s?r, forma og endurm?ta…

Listamannaspjall #25

?ri?judaginn 19. jan?ar kl. 16:30 Skaftfell, Austurvegur 42, 3. h?? Gestalistamenn Skaftfells ? jan?ar Nora Mertes (DE) og Rashanna Rashied-Walker (USA) fjalla um verk s?n og vi?fangsefni. Einnig mun Ingirafn Steinarsson gefa stutta kynningu ? listsk?pun sinni en hann dvaldi…

Artist talk #25

Tuesday January 19 at 16:30 Skaftfell, Austurvegur 43, 3rd floor. Meet and hear the current Artists-in-Residence at Skaftfell in January, Nora Mertes (DE) & Rashanna Rashied-Walker (USA), on Tuesday when they will present their practice and selected works. Local artists…

Net?tsending fr? R?men?u

? byrjun ?rs?dvaldi ?sd?s Sif Gunnarsd?ttir hj??tranzit.ro, ? R?men?u, sem fulltr?i ? ?slenska og r?menska samstarfsverkefninu Artists as Agents of Institutional Exchange. ? me?an dv?l hennar st?? streymdi h?n ? gegnum neti? m.a. ? ?eim tilgangi a? rannsaka m?rk gestavinnustofa.…