


Concert on Friday July 6 at 18:00 at the Bookshop-projectspace The concert ART BOOK ORCHESTRA consists of re-compositions of ten original sound art pieces incorporated in ten different art books, entitled ‘Affected as only a human being can Be’. The…


RI_2012_program Reaction Intermediate offers 11 different projects presented by visual and sound artists presented by Skaftfell – Center for Visual Art. The program is based on events, happenings, performances, open studios, exhibitions and video screenings.Main venues for the program are…


17.06.-27.06. The project Favourite Spots is based on the process that a resident of Seyðisfjörður takes the artist and his camera to their favourite spot, in and around town. Together they photograph at the spot and the resident’s gives their reasons…


17.06.-27.06. Anna Anders has been using video as a means of artistic expression since 1986. She first began making short films; in 1991, she started creating works for spaces. These have included projections, installations, and objects. Anders’s works mainly show…

Nýr listrænn stjórnandi: Ráðhildur Ingadóttir

Skaftfell – miðstöð myndlistar á Austurlandi tilnefnir af mikilli ánægju Ráðhildi Ingadóttur sem listrænan stjórnanda fyrir árin 2013-2014. Ráðhildur Ingadóttir er fædd 1959 og hefur starfað sem myndlistarmaður um áralangt skeið. Hún nam myndlist í Bretlandi en býr og starfar…

Vorsýning myndmennt

Skaftfell hefur undanfarin ár haft umsjón með myndmenntarkennslu í 7.-10. bekk Seyðisfjarðarskóla. Til að fagna skólaslitum verður haldin vorsýningum á völdum verkum nemenda í Bókabúðinni-verkefnarými. Sýningin opnar sunnudaginn 10. júní kl. 16, og stendur til miðvikudagsins 13. júní. Opið verður…