

Frontiers of Solitude

      Frontiers of Solitude is an international collaboration between artists and arts organizations in three European countries: Skolska 28 (Czech Republic), Atelier Nord (Norway) and Skaftfell. The project encompasses a wide range of activities, including residencies and workshops…


On August 13th. at 17:00 Swedish sisters Gerd Aurell, visual artist, and Karin Aurell, musician, will present new collaborative work; the audiovisual performance Stigi, at the Bookshop – projectspace. All welcome – free of charge. For the past few years,…


Fimmtudaginn 13. ?g?st munu s?nsku systurnar Gerd Aurell, myndlistarma?ur, og Karin Aurell, t?nsk?ld, flytja sj?n- og hlj??r?nna samstarfsverkefni? Stigi ? B?kab??inni verkefnar?mi. Allir velkomnir! Systurnar hafa undanfarin ?r unni? me? n?lgun sem felur ? s?r a? ?Karin spilar ? flautu…

Listamannaspjall # 23

?ri?judaginn 4. ?g?st b??ur Skaftfell upp ? listmannaspjall ? ?ri?ju h?? Skaftfells. Listamennirnir Gerd Aurell, Jenny Brockmann, Richard Merrill H?glund?og Karena Nomi (en ?au eru hluti af listamannateymi ?samt Peter Dowling og Rob Kennedy) munu kynna verk s?n og verkefni…

by the rivers in the wetlands up in the mountains

N??tkomna b?kverki? by the rivers in the wetlands up in the mountains, atlas of icelands plant life with a pinhole camera er til s?nis ? verslun Skaftfells. ?ar lj?smyndar ??ski listama?urinn Halina Kliem pl?ntul?f ? ?slandi ?n ?ess a? notast…