

Skaftfell receives a reward

Skaftfell won the Eyrarrós award 2013 for outstanding cultural achievement in non-urban areas in Iceland. We are proud and very thankful for all the attentions. Here is a link to the press release: More about the award here:

Skaftfell hlaut Eyrarr?sina

Skaftfell hlaut Eyrarr?sina ?ri? 2013, sem var afhent 12. mars ? Hofi ? Akureyri. Vi? erum mj?g stolt og ?akkl?t fyrir ?essa vi?urkenningu. Fr?ttatilkynning:

Tilnefning til Eyrarr?sarinnar

Skaftfell er eitt af ?remur verkefnum sem er tilnefnt til Eyrarr?sarinn ?ri? 2013. ? ums?gn d?mnefndar segir: “Skaftfell  mi?st?? myndlistar ? Austurlandi er ? s?gufr?gu h?si ? gamla b?num ? Sey?isfir?i. Kraftmikil og metna?arfull starfsemi me? sk?ra listr?na s?n…

Relay – the word passed on

Kynningarmi?st?? ?slenskrar myndlistar bau? Skaftfelli a? taka ??tt ? n?jum m?na?arlegum d?lki ? bloggi ?eirra,?Relay  the word passed on. Relay – the word passed on presents Skaftfell from Icelandic Art Center on Vimeo. N?nar um Fr?sagnasafni? Fr? ?v? ?…

Relay – the word passed on

The Icelandic Art Center invited Skaftfell to contribute to a new monthly column, Relay – the word passed on. Relay – the word passed on presents Skaftfell from Icelandic Art Center on Vimeo. About the Narrative Collection Since 2011 Skaftfell…


Each year third year students from the fine art department at the Icelandic Art Academy participate in a two week workshop in Sey?isfj?r?ur. The workshop is a collaboration between the Icelandic Art Academy, the Dieter Roth Academy, Skaftfell and the…


?rlega fara myndlistarnemar ? ?ri?ja ?ri Listah?sk?la ?slands ? vinnustofufer? til Sey?isfjar?ar. Verkefni? er haldi? ? vegum sk?lans, Dieter Roth Akadem?unnar, Skaftfells og T?kniminjasafns Austurlands. Allir nemendur hafa haft ?a? a? lei?arlj?si a? n?ta s?r umhverfi b?jarins og einstaka hj?lpsemi…

The Shades of Blue

Myndbandsverki? “The Shades of Blue” eftir Mariko Takahashi ver?ur s?nt laugardaginn 5. jan?ar ? B?kab??inni – verkefnar?mi, fr? kl. 16-20. “I am interested in the sense of being out of reality, such as numbness, dream or euphoria. Often with the…

Opin vinnustofa

Svissnesku listamennirnir Livia Salome Gnos og Stephan Perrinjaquet hafa dvali? ? gestavinnstofu Skaftfells fr? ?v? ? desember. ?au lj?ka dv?l sinni me? ?v? a? opna vinnustofuna fyrir gestum laugardaginn, 5. desember, fr? kl. 17-20. “Stephan aka Dollar Mambo ?works in…