


Saturday, April 7th at 15.00, Þórunn Eymundardóttir will open a solo exhibition in the West Wall Gallery. The exhibition consists of photo-collages, from 2011-2012. CV: ­Þórunn Eymundardóttir (b. 1979) Austurvegur 48 710 Seyðisfjörður Iceland tel. +354 869 5107 thorunne@gmail.com  …

Skalar preview venue

Monday, April 9, at 21 Skálar Sound Art Festival preview venue: Presentation of Skálar and showcase-concert. Konrad Korabiewski, AuxPan & Helgi Örn Pétursson. The art-collective will present the ideology behind Skálar – Centre For Sound Art and Experimental Music and…

Listamannaspjall #8

M?nudaginn 19. mars kl. 14 Judy-Ann og Fernando dvelja ? gestvinnustofum Skaftfells um ?essar myndir. ?au munu r??a um verk s?n n?stkomandi m?nudag kl. 14 ? Skaftfelli. Vi? vekjum einnig athygli ykkar ? ?v? a? myndbandsverki? PERMAFROST eftir Fernando er…

“Dansa kv?ld me? lj?s bj?r og v?de? list.”

Allir velkomnir laugardaginn 14. apr?l kl. 20, ? B?kab??. “Dansa?kv?ld?me? lj?s?bj?r?og?v?de??list.” At the Decks: H?hne & S?hne & Topmann & Acktryggur. Entschuldigen Sie bitte? ? apr?l m?nu?i mun B?kab??inni ver?a breytt ? vinnustofu fyrir GV h?pinn. Vinnustofan ver?ur opin almenningi…

HݝSI 1

Laugardaginn 7. apr?l kl. 15 opna?i einkas?ning ??runnar Eymundard?ttir ? Vesturvegg. S?ningin samanstendur af einf?ldum lj?smynda-klippimyndum, unnar ? ?runum 2011 – 2012.   Ferilsskr?: ??runn Eymundard?ttir (f. 1979) Austurvegur 48 710 Sey?isfj?r?ur s. 869 5107 thorunne (a) gmail.com Menntun: BA…


The video artwork PERMAFROST  ( looped video, 10 mins ) by Fernando José Pereira at The Bookshop -projectspace, shown evenings from 20-22 o´clock 14.03 – 20.03, 2012. A short film set in the Northern-most human settlement in the world: the Svalbard archipelago, Spitsbergen…

Untitled (Speechless)

  20.03.12-24.03.12 B?kab??-Verkefnar?mi Kl. 20-22. Myndbandsverki? Untitled (Speechless) eftir listamanninn Fernando Jos? Pereira ver?ur til s?nis ? B?kab??-Verkefnar?mi, ? kv?ldin fr? kl. 20  22. Fernando er gestalistama?ur Skaftfells. Fernando Jos? Pereira (f. 1961, Porto) ?tskrifa?ist me? gr??u ? myndlist…


Saturday, February 25th, at 16:00 the exhibition SK?SKEGG ? VHS + CD opens at Skaftfell. The exhibition is the conclusion of a two-week workshop, lead by Bj?rn Roth, at Skaftfell, in collaboration with the Icelandic Art Academy, the Dieter Roth…