

The Shades of Blue

– A videoscreening Jan. 5th ?from 16:00-20:00 at the Bookshop – projectspace Mariko Takahashi has been an artist in residence at Skaftfell – Hóll for the months of November, December and until mid January. “I am interested in the sense…

Listamannaspjall ? Egilsst??um

?ann 27. n?vember f?ru gestalistamenn Skaftfells, Linda Persson og Liam Sprod, til Egilssta?a og heims?ttu nemendur ? listn?msbraut ? Menntask?lanum ? Egilsst??um. Linda og Liam h?ldu kynningu ? samstarfi s?nu og s?ndu myndir af verkum s?num.  

The Narrative Collection completed

The Narrative Collection project will have its official conclusion on December 1st. The project has been going on for the past two years and roughly 200 narratives from the people of Seyðisfjörður have been recorded. To mark this occasion copies…

S?fnun ? fr?s?gnum loki?

S?fnun ? fr?s?gnum ? Fr?sagnasafni? mun formlega lj?ka hinn 1. desember. Verkefni? hefur sta?i? yfir ? tv? ?r og hafa safnast um tv? hundru? fr?sagnir fr? ?b?um Sey?isfjar?ar. Af ?essu tilefni ver?a afrit af Fr?sagnasafninu afhent til var?veislu B?kasafni Sey?isfjar?ar,…


Saturday November 24 15.00 Bookshop-Projectspace Linda Persson SE has been an artists in residence at Skaftfell in October and November. She will conclude her stay with a performance at the Bookshop-Projectspace.  Supported by:

Book presentation: Nuclear Futurism

Saturday November 24 16.00 Skaftfell Bistró British philosopher Liam Sproud will talk about his newly published book Nuclear Futurism. The talk will touch upon literature and philosophy. Starting from the end of history, the end of art and the failure of…

B?kakynning: Nuclear Futurism

Laugardaginn 24. n?vember Kl. 16:00 Skaftfell Bistr? Breski heimspekingurinn Liam Sprod gaf n?veri? ?t b?kina?Nuclear Futurism. Hann mun halda kynningu ? Skaftfell Bistr? og r??a um snertifleti b?kmennta og heimspeki. Kynningin fer fram ? ensku. Starting from the end of…


Laugardaginn 24. n?vember Kl. 15:00 B?kab??-verkefnar?mi Linda Persson hefur gestalistama?ur Skaftfells ? okt?ber og n?vember, h?n mun lj?ka dv?l sinni ? Sey?isfir?i me? ?v? a? s?na gj?rninga ? B?kab??inni-verkefnar?mi. Verkefni? er styrkt af: