The Spaghetti Incident

July 3.-5. 2015 6:00 -9:00 pm. at The Bookshop-Projectspace.

The Spaghetti Incident is a single video installation based on the concept of action painting and the Guns N’ Roses cover album from 1993. The work is an outcome of a vacant brain during manual labor and it deals with the division of mind and body during repetitive movement, a shamanic journey that pays eleven euros per hour.

Christian Hansen is a musician and visual artist based in Rotterdam, NL, who works with mapping of the relationship between distance and time and the spaces between the two. To make the hobby less expensive Christian often construct his tools out of recycled materials and he walks instead of taking the bus, this to an extent that it could be understood as a part of his practice.

Christian was staying at Skaftfell as an artist-in-residence this Spring and has been living and working in the fjord since concluding his residency.


Christian hansen