Articles by: Tinna

Winter opening hours of Bistró and winter closing of Geirahús

Winter opening hours of Bistró and winter closing of Geirahús

Autumn has arrived in Seyðisfjörður with inevitable changes in opening hours. Skaftfell Bistró is open daily from 15.00-21.30. The house of Geiri will be closed over winter and reopens on June 1, 2017. The gallery and store opening hours is daily from 12.00-18.00, until September 24 when a new exhibition opens. Bistró photo: Paula Prats Geirahús photo: Nikolas Grabar

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Russian film: Journey to the Mother

The Russian film Journey to the Mother by director Mikhail Kosyrev-Nesterov will be screened at Herðubreið Community Center. The film features Maxim that travels to France to visit his mother, who has been living in Provence for a long time. Three tragic days rock the world of the hero and his half – sister, Frenchwoman Marie Louise. The film has won multiple awards on several International Film Festivals. The screening is hosted by the Russian Embassy and is a part of Russian Cinema Week in Bíó Paradís, in Reykjavík, and various locations around Iceland. This is the fourth time the festival is held and is organized […]

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