Articles by: Tinna

The call for application for the residency program 2017 is now closed.

The call for applications for the Thematic residency “Printed Matter” is also closed.   The call for applications for the Goethe-Institut residency grant remains open until 20th September. German artists and artists with permanent residence in Germany who can demonstrate a strong involvement in the German art scene are eligible to apply.        



Film screening in Herðubreið – cinema, 24:21 min. Luke Fowler’s films dwell on potentiality: what might be, what might have been, what might still be if the world were to turn in a different direction? But film time runs in many directions, as do arguments. Film made only recently can be easily confused with the archival vintage of washed-out or saturated tones and blurred edges. Only the disjunction between sounds that live close within the ear and rich voices from a fading past distinguish archive from present. Gradually the pieces converge: our nostalgia for ancient folkways, traditional song and the […]

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