Articles by: Tinna

/www/wp content/uploads/2016/06/visible 2016 web iceland

Visible side when installed

Vasco Costa and Wolfgang Obermair have been working together on projects since 2011, exploring the imprints and impacts on particular spaces in culture, economy and politics. By combining artistic and ethnographic methods they aim to create a sphere of intersubjectivity and cross-cultural synthesis through a constant exchange of social roles. During their three-week residency at the Blue Factory in Seyðisfjörður, Iceland, Vasco Costa and Wolfgang Obermair have been working on a visual structure as a physical and social platform to interact with the surrounding area and public space, for the people and visitors of the Blue Factory. The development and the building process involve the […]

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/www/wp content/uploads/2016/06/rs7

Rolling Snowball/7, Djúpivogur

Rolling snowball is an international visual art exhibition which presents works by contemporary artists. Rolling Snowball/7, Djúpivogur brings together artists working across the full spectrum of disciplines, including drawing, photography, painting, sculpture and video. The exhibition continues as a joint project of the Chinese-European Art Centre (CEAC) in Xiamen, China, the municipality of Djúpivogur and, in 2016, Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. 32 artist take part in the Rolling Snowball/7, Djúpivogur: Icelandic artists Berglind Ágústsdóttir / Dagrún Aðalsteinsdóttir / Ragnar Kjartansson /Sigurður Guðmundsson / Magnús Pálsson / Arna Óttarsdóttir / Hreinn Friðfinnsson / Kristján Guðmundsson / Þór Vigfússon / Hrafnkell Sigurðsson / Geirþrúður Finnbogadóttir Hjörvar / […]

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