Articles by: Tinna

Ingólfur Arnarsson, Þuríður Rós Sigurþórsdóttir

Ingólfur Arnarsson, Þuríður Rós Sigurþórsdóttir

Ingólfur Arnarsson (b. 1956) and Þuríður Rós Sigurþórsdóttir (b.1975) are somewhat different artists, yet in this exhibition their work can be seen to relate to painting without it being painting. In this exhibition a number of concrete works by Arnarsson will be shown. These may initially appear as austere sentinels, irregularly spaced around the gallery. Although identical in structure, where the concrete blocks’ outward surface has been pristinely primed, variation occurs with a rectangular section, either at the top or the bottom, that is painted with a single muted shade of watercolour. With this form we are confronted with an […]

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Islandia en Islandia

August 19.-22. 2015 at the Bookshop – projectspace Islandia en Islandia aims to activate an interaction with local artists, activating a Meta-Residency dialogue: Local artists will be invited into a temporary studio space at the Bookshop – projectspace and or a satellite spot at Tvísöngur for two hours to test a current research or a new one specifically made for this situation. Via these public actions, interactions or on site artistic research situations the host and artist Miguel Guzman Pastor and collaborator Carmen Soriano attempt to trace a map of the interdisciplinary art community in Seydisfjordur at the present moment. […]

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