Post Tagged with: "Skaftfell gallery" Hreindýraland 2009 Hreindýraland 2009

The experimental film/video festival will be realised for the fourth time in Egilsstaðir 21st – 28th of March. The setup of year 2009 is different from earlier as the emphasis is on Video Installations. Seven artists (or teams) have been invited to install and exhibit their work in Sláturhúsið, Egilsstaðir and 4 videoprograms have been chosen from guest curators and will be screened in Eiðar, Skaftfell, Skriðuklaustur and Egilsstaðir. The plan from now on is that bi-annually the festival will be bigger (like last year) with workshops etc.; the other year it will be fewer artists with bigger installations & […]

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Kippuhringur is an exhibition by six students of the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and two guest students from the Valand Art Academy in Sweden. The students spend two weeks in Seyðisfjörður on a yearly workshop held by the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and the Dieter Roth Academy, in collaboration with Skaftfell – Center for Visual Art and the East-Iceland Technological Museum.