Articles by: Tinna


Sequences VI – Off Venue Sunday April  13,  15.00-22.00 17.00-22.00 Exhibition space In the performance Sleeping beauty by Inga Jautakyte, the audience is invited to re-look into the action of sleep, a part of the daily practice of every human being, by positioning herself into this personal act in the public sphere of the exhibition room. Unlike any of our other daily activities, sleep is the one practice we are conditioned and subjected to involuntarily. To fulfill this action Inga will prepare with a lack of sleep and exercises to push challenge the will and circumstances of sleep. Inga will […]

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Sequences VI – Off Venue Saturday April 13,  16.00-19.00 Hóll – the Birgir Andrésson Residency For Sequences Liam Scully (UK) will be presenting his film entitled Quake. The film is a collection of earthquake actions starring the local community in Seyðisfjörður. This work is a dramatised account of the everyday, shopping at the local supermarket, having a beer with friends or going for an afternoon stroll.The mundane is abruptly amplified through a faux earthquake. Liam Scully will be presenting this video alongside a collection of drawings and collages documenting his daily life in Seyðisfjörður and his encounters with the local community. His […]

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