Articles by: Tinna

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RIFF selection in Seyðisfjörður

Skaftfell, in collaboration with the Cultural Center of Fljótdalshérað, will host an off-venue for Reykjav­ík International Film Festival in Seyðisfjörður Thursday Nov 3 in Herðubreið Community Center two movies will be screened, the Icelandic short film The Hot Tub and the Polish film Waves. The program starts at 20.00. Both films have English subtitles and no entrence fee. The event is a part of Days of Darkness. About the films Heiti potturinn This film uses animation and music to enhance the classic documentary fly-on-the-wall approach to explore the unique cultural experience of frequenting the local swimming pool hot tubs. Length: 22 min Directed by: […]

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