Articles by: Tinna

/www/wp content/uploads/2016/05/nora jpung 2016


In a series of text recitals, Nora tells stories through historical facts, philological ponderings and poetic means. For The Assembly of the Hyperboreans, she will tell a story about the different functions of the mouth, its cultural history, a drowned girl, and the taste of rubber. The rescue-Anne doll is said to be the most kissed face in the world. She is modelled after the death mask of a drowned teenager found floating in the river Seine. Though the pathologist ruled her death a suicide, an impish smile rested on her lips. After the death mask became popularised a a […]

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/www/wp content/uploads/2016/09/hector 2016

Tómtónrúm: sound workshop with Héctor Rey

Every room can be heard as an acoustic system consisting of a number of layers: it has its own sonic life; its resonance shapes the sounds produced in it; it acts as a filter for the whole sounding of the world at the same time as being just a tiny part of it. We will explore the musical challenge of placing sounds in the spacetime continuum taking the room as a context and as a starting point, activating and passivating it through collective, real time sound making. Attendees are free to bring any instrument or sound producing device, or not. […]

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