Articles by: Tinna

RÓ RÓ guided tour Saturday Oct 4, at 14.00

This coming Saturday Ráðhildur Ingadóttir, curator of RÓ RÓ, will have a guided tour of the exhibition. The event is a part of Haustroði and will be in Icelandic. The exhibition RÓ RÓ will be ongoing until October 14.


The Frontiers in Retreat artists arrive

The first artists participating in the Frontiers in Retreat project at Skaftfell, Kati Gausmann and Richard Skelton, arrived in Iceland in the end of August. Simultaneously the volcanic activity in South Iceland reached its peak and magma started flowing from Holuhraun. Hence it was very appropriate that the artists started their journey by attending a Geology seminar in Breiðdalssetur, a research and heritage centre located in the small town of Breiðdalsvík in the East. The seminar was held in honour of the British geologist George P.L. Walker who is noted for mapping the Terier lava pile in East Iceland in the sixties and […]

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