Articles by: Tinna

Authors train 2014

Authors train 2014

The annual Authors train will stop at Seyðisfjörður Saturday November 29. The reading will be begin at 20.30 sharp in the exhibition space. Five authors will read from their newly published books, in Icelandic: Þórarinn Eldjárn, Soffía Bjarnadóttir, Kristín Eiríksdóttir, Gyrðir Elí­asson and Gísli Pálsson. A few Eastern poets and translators will accompany the train: Hrafnkell Lárusson, Ingunn Snædal, Kristan Guttesen, Sigga Lára Sigurjónsdóttir and Stefán Bogi Sveinsson. Admission is 1.000 kr., 500 kr. for children and elderly.

“..Weeds, those Trojans..”

Natures aesthetic preservation and human intervention / aspects of utopia and dystopia. This Thursday evening, August 28, the Greek artists Maria Glyka and Vassilis Vlastaras will present a taste of their recent project they have been working on while residing in Seyðisfjörður as artists in residence, at the Bookshop – projectspace at 19.00. The project “…weeds, those trojans…” started in August 2014 by visual artists Maria Glyka and Vassilis Vlastaras as part of Skaftfell’s artist in residence program. The artists borrowed the phrase of the title from H. D. Thoreau’s “Walden; or Life in the Woods” (1854) where he sets […]

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