Agust 10-17, 2012 The Bookshop – Projectspace / Reaction Intermediate On the 26 of February 2012 the Black Unicorn went down into the sea at Bjólfsbakki. On Friday August 10, the plan is to get the Unicorn back from the bottom of the harbor and revive it. The performance will take place at 17.00 at the harbour, Bjólfsbakki (at the old ferie dock). In the following week the artist will attend to the Unicorn in an open studio at the Bookshop-Projectspace. Guests are welcome to drop by. The process will finish on Friday Agust 17, at 20.00 with a finisage where […]

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SKAFTFELL RESIDENCY AVAILABLE 15.th of Aug- 15th of Sep. 2012

Call for artists: Due to cancellation, Skaftfell residency flat at the Skaftfell main building is now available for one month: 15th of August – 15th of September 2012. If you are interested, please contact us by email as soon as possible attaching the required documents  (cv, photos of work, short projectsdescription etc) following our normal criteria (see our application webpage for further info).