Articles by: Tinna

Artists-in-residence at Skaftfell in May

David Edward Allen (UK) lives in Berlin. His work revolves around a broadened notion of Landscape and our position as part of it. Using, for example, natural phenomena such as gravity, the organic growth of trees, or the movement of a sound wave, to set up formal structures which are open to processes of re-organisation. Allen`s works are like experiments to isolate, or rather traps set to capture, moments of change, movement, or sets of circumstance; using environments as a means to effect or create form. David Edward Allen will be working as an artist-in-residence at Skaftfell in May and […]

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Inside, from above and underneath

On the West wall in Skaftfell Bistro a young residence of Seyðisfjörður, Aron Fannar Skarphéðinsson, will have his photographs exhibited. In his pictures Aron Fannar is able to bring new aspects of things we normally don’t notice in our daily routine. The exhibition is a part of Art without Boarders festival and is open until May 31.