Articles by: Tinna

GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE International Video Art Festival

Herðubreið cinema Wednesday March the 25th. at 20:00. (109 min.) GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE is a travelling video art festival initiated by artist Clemens Wilhelm (Berlin) in 2011. This edition of the festival presents a selection of German video artists born around the year 1980 whose works reflect issues of the globalized generation: personal and global issues clash as the individual struggles with society. GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE presents a powerful collage image of works that show the subconscious of our present: the extremes of capitalism, the consequences of consumerism, the pitfalls of digital romance, the crisis of […]

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Call for artists for a shared residency

Call for artists for a shared residency

Due to cancellation the Skaftfell Residency Program now has an opening this coming April and May for artists to apply and come with short notice ! The residency available is a shared residency at Norðurgata in the old part of town and the flat will be shared with one other artist. The flat has two private bedrooms, bathroom with shower/bath, kitchen, a living room area with some studio/working facilities and wireless internet. The residency fee is 360 € pr. month. If interested, please be in contact by email on [email protected] as soon as possible including a short motivation for coming, […]

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