Post Tagged with: "Gestalistamaður"

Ljósmynd: Tony Wu Photography

Atlandshafs tvíæringur: ósögð saga

For thousands of years the ocean was defining the limits of the known world. For centuries it has inspired people to overcome the impossible. Today the ocean is connecting nations and ideas and traditions. The Atlantic Biennale: Untold Saga kick-off event at Seydisfjordur invites you to witness the impossible becoming true. Dagskrá: 17:00 Brottför frá Bókabúðinni-verkefnarými 17:30 Eyja 18:00 Kynning á Atlandshafs tvíæringur: ósögð saga í gestavinnustofunni Norðurgötu, Draumhús, opin vinnustofa hjá Robertas Narkus Setningarpartí Samstarfsaðilar: Lunga-skólinn, Árni Geir Lárusson, Tónlistarskóli Seyðisfjarðar, Times New Roman. Atlandshafs tvíæringur: ósögð saga er afsprengi gestalistamannsins Robertas Narkus (LT). Robertas lýsir listsköpun sinni sem stýring á kringumstæðum […]

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Gestalistamaður Skaftfells Cristina David, tekur þátt íslenska og rúmenska samstarfsverkefninu Artists as Agents of Institutional Exchange. Sem hluti af því verkefni mun Cristina steyma í gegnum netið.  Nánar um verkefnið Artists as Agents of Institutional Exchange is a 2015 joint initiative of Iasi and Skaftfell, Seydisfjordur, Iceland, that is materialised into a unique live streaming platform dedicated to the use of its artists in residence: Cristina DAVID and Ásdís Sif GUNNARSDÓTTIR. As practitioners, we often witness or create a result of artistic research that is mostly based on past, hidden, personal processes, on archaeological praxis, but we never allow ourselves the freedom […]

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